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Trie (Tree)

A trie is a search tree whose nodes each contain a single string character, and have zero or many children. When traversed depth-first, if a complete word is formed, the node at which the path terminates at may be mapped to a value. The root node is unique from the rest of the nodes, in that it doesn't carry any key, or may carry a special key such as an empty string. Tries may be used to predict auto-complete text, where given a certain prefix, all possible combinations of words to complete the prefix can be generated. They may also be used as map structures such as associative arrays, which when passed a string key, return the corresponding value.

Instantiate a trie object

>>> a_trie = Trie()

Inseert a key and its corresponding value to the trie

>>> a_trie.insert("Hello", 1)
>>> a_trie.insert("World", 2)

Check if a trie is empty

>>> a_trie.is_empty()
>>> Trie().is_empty()

Get length of some trie

>>> len(a_trie)
>>> len(Trie())

Get the string representation of some trie

>>> a_trie
(H(e(l(l(o)))), W(o(r(l(d)))))
>>> str(a_trie)
'(H(e(l(l(o)))), W(o(r(l(d)))))'

Get value associated to some key

>>> a_trie["Hello"]
>>> a_trie.get_value("World")
>>> a_trie["Hello, world"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'key not present in trie'

Replace value associated to some key

>>> a_trie["Hello"] = 100
>>> a_trie.replace("World", 200)
>>> a_trie["Hello, world"] = 300
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'key not present in trie'

Find all strings with some certain prefix

>>> a_trie.prefix_search("He")
>>> a_trie.prefix_search("qwerty")

Delete a key, and thus its corresponding value too, from the trie

>>> del a_trie["Hello"]
>>> a_trie.delete("World")
>>> del a_trie["Hello, world"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'key not present in trie'

__delitem__(self, key) special

Alias of delete

Source code in trees/
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
    """Alias of delete"""

__getitem__(self, key) special

Alias of get_value

Source code in trees/
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """Alias of get_value"""
    return self.get_value(key)

__setitem__(self, key, value) special

Alias of replace

Source code in trees/
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
    """Alias of replace"""
    self.replace(key, value)

delete(self, key)

Delete a key and its corresponding value from the trie


Name Type Description Default
key str

key to delete

Source code in trees/
def delete(self, key: str) -> None:
    """Delete a key and its corresponding value from the trie

    :param key: key to delete

    def not_found_callable():
        raise KeyError("key not present in trie")

    _, path = self.__get_node_for_key(key, not_found_callable)
    end_of_string_occurrences = 0

    while len(path) > 1:
        node = path.pop()
        previous_node = path[-1]

        if node.end_of_string:
            if end_of_string_occurrences > 0:

            end_of_string_occurrences += 1
            node.value = None
            node.end_of_string = False

        if len(node.children) > 0:
            self._length -= 1

get_value(self, key)

Return the value associated with a certain key


Name Type Description Default
key str

key whose value is being sought



Type Description

value corresponding to the passed key

Source code in trees/
def get_value(self, key: str) -> Any:
    """Return the value associated with a certain key

    :param key: key whose value is being sought
    :returns: value corresponding to the passed key

    def not_found_callable():
        raise KeyError("key not present in trie")

    current_node, _ = self.__get_node_for_key(key, not_found_callable)

    return current_node.value

insert(self, key, value=None)

Insert a key and its corresponding value into the trie


Name Type Description Default
key str

key to insert

value Any

value corresponding to the key

Source code in trees/
def insert(self, key: str, value: Any = None) -> None:
    """Insert a key and its corresponding value into the trie

    :param key: key to insert
    :param value: value corresponding to the key

    def not_found_callable():

    current_node, _ = self.__get_node_for_key(
        key, not_found_callable, create_node=True
    current_node.value = value
    current_node.end_of_string = True


Return True if trie is empty, else False. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

True if trie is empty, else False

Source code in trees/
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
    """Return True if trie is empty, else False. Time complexity: O(1).

    :returns: True if trie is empty, else False
    return self._length == 0

Return all the combinations of words that can be formed from the passed prefix, as per to the trie


Name Type Description Default
prefix str

first part of the words being sought



Type Description

all the combinations of words that can be formed from the passed prefix

Source code in trees/
def prefix_search(self, prefix: str) -> List[str]:
    """Return all the combinations of words that can be formed from the passed prefix, as per to the trie

    :param prefix: first part of the words being sought
    :returns: all the combinations of words that can be formed from the passed prefix

    def not_found_callable():
        raise KeyError("key not present in trie")

    def get_strings_helper(root_node: Trie._Node, starting_with: str):
        children = root_node.children

        if root_node.end_of_string:
            yield starting_with

        for child in children:
            for string_data in get_strings_helper(child, starting_with + child.key):
                yield string_data

        current_node, _ = self.__get_node_for_key(prefix, not_found_callable)
    except KeyError:
        return []

    return [i for i in get_strings_helper(current_node, prefix)]

replace(self, key, value)

Replace the value of a key with the new passed value


Name Type Description Default
key str

key whose value is being replaced

value Any

new value that's to replace current value of the passed key

Source code in trees/
def replace(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
    """Replace the value of a key with the new passed value

    :param key: key whose value is being replaced
    :param value: new value that's to replace current value of the passed key

    def not_found_callable():
        raise KeyError("key not present in trie")

    current_node, _ = self.__get_node_for_key(key, not_found_callable)
    current_node.value = value