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Tree ADT

Tree (ABC)

A tree is a hierarchical collection of nodes containing items, with each node having a unique parent and zero, one or many children items. The topmost element in a non-empty tree, the root, has no parent. Tree vocabularies include, but are not limited to:

  1. Root - the topmost element in a non-empty tree, it has no parent
  2. Leaf - a node with zero children
  3. Siblings - nodes that share a parent node
  4. Edge - a pair of nodes such the one is the parent of the other
  5. Path - a collection of nodes such that any pair of adjacent nodes have a parent/child relationship
  6. Height - number of edges between a node and it's furthest leaf
  7. Depth - number of edges between a node and the root
  8. Level - number of nodes in the path between a node and the root, inclusive of both the node itself and the root
  9. Ordered tree - a tree with a meaningful organisation among its nodes such that its nodes can be arranged in a linear manner from first to last

__iter__(self) special

Return a tree iterable


Type Description

tree iterable

Source code in trees/
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable:
    """Return a tree iterable

    :return: tree iterable
    return self

__len__(self) special

Return total number of items in tree


Type Description

count of items in tree

Source code in trees/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return total number of items in tree

    :return: count of items in tree
    return self._length

__next__(self) special

Return next position of tree iterator, implemented based on level-order traversal


Type Description

next position


Type Description

when the cursor denoting the current position surpasses the last position of the tree

Source code in trees/
def __next__(self) -> _Position:
    """Return next position of tree iterator, implemented based on level-order traversal

    :return: next position
    :raises StopIteration: when the cursor denoting the current position surpasses the last position of the tree
    if self.__generator is None:
        self.__generator = self.traverse_tree_level_order()

        next_position = next(self.__generator)
    except StopIteration as e:
        self.__generator = None
        raise e

    return next_position

__repr__(self) special

Return a string representation of the tree


Type Description

the string representation of the tree

Source code in trees/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a string representation of the tree

    :return: the string representation of the tree

    def helper(current_position):
        children = self.get_children(current_position)

        num_of_children = len(children)
        last_child_idx = num_of_children - 1

        data_dict["string_data"] += f"{current_position.get_data()[0]}"

        for i, j in enumerate(children):
            data_dict["string_data"] += "(" if i == 0 else ", "
            data_dict["string_data"] += ")" if i == last_child_idx else ""

    if self.is_empty():
        return ""

    data_dict = {"string_data": ""}
    helper(Tree._Position(self, self._root))
    return data_dict["string_data"]

delete(self, position)

Delete a value from the tree


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node to be removed from the tree

Source code in trees/
def delete(self, position: _Position) -> None:
    """Delete a value from the tree

    :param position: position containing the node to be removed from the tree
    self._length -= 1

    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    def insert_node(node_to_insert, is_node_left_child, parent_node):
        if node_to_insert is not None:
            node_to_insert.parent = parent_node
        if is_node_left_child is not None:
            if is_node_left_child:
                parent_node.children[0] = node_to_insert
                parent_node.children[1] = node_to_insert

    def delete_node(node_to_delete, is_root):
        parent = node_to_delete.parent
        left = node_to_delete.children[0]
        right = node_to_delete.children[1]
        is_left_child = None if parent is None else node_to_delete.key < parent.key

        if left is None:
            insert_node(right, is_left_child, parent)
            if is_root:
                self._root = right
            current_node = left
            right_child = current_node.children[1]

            if right_child is None:
                current_node.children[1] = right
                insert_node(current_node, is_left_child, parent)
                if is_root:
                    self._root = current_node
                new_node = Tree._Node(
                    children=[current_node, right],

                insert_node(new_node, is_left_child, parent)
                if is_root:
                    self._root = new_node

                delete_node(right_child, False)

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    is_root_node = self.is_root(position)
    _ = position.manipulate_variables(self, "_invalidate_position")

    delete_node(node, is_root_node)

get_children(self, position)

Return the children of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose children are being sought



Type Description

the positions of the children of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has no children.

Source code in trees/
def get_children(self, position: _Position) -> Union[List[_Position], None]:
    """Return the children of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param position: position containing the node whose children are being sought
    :returns: the positions of the children of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has
    no children.
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    children = node.children

    if children is None:
        return None
        return [Tree._Position(self, i) for i in children if i is not None]

get_depth_of_node(self, position)

Return the number of edges between a node and the root. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose depth is being sought



Type Description

the number of edges between a node and the root

Source code in trees/
def get_depth_of_node(self, position: _Position) -> int:
    """Return the number of edges between a node and the root. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param position: position containing the node whose depth is being sought
    :returns: the number of edges between a node and the root
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    if self.is_root(position):
        return 0
    return 1 + self.get_depth_of_node(self.get_parent(position))


Return the number of edges between the farthest leaf and the root. Time complexity: O(n).


Type Description

the number of edges between the farthest leaf and the root

Source code in trees/
def get_depth_of_tree(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of edges between the farthest leaf and the root. Time complexity: O(n).

    :returns: the number of edges between the farthest leaf and the root
    return self.get_height_of_tree()

get_height_of_node(self, position)

Return the number of edges between a node and the farthest leaf among its descendants. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose height is being sought



Type Description

the number of edges between a node and the farthest leaf among its descendants

Source code in trees/
def get_height_of_node(self, position: _Position) -> int:
    """Return the number of edges between a node and the farthest leaf among its descendants. Time complexity:

    :param position: position containing the node whose height is being sought
    :returns: the number of edges between a node and the farthest leaf among its descendants
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    if self.is_leaf(position):
        return 0

    return 1 + max(self.get_height_of_node(p) for p in self.get_children(position))


Return the number of edges between the root node and the farthest leaf. Time complexity: O(n).


Type Description

the number of edges between the root node and the farthest leaf

Source code in trees/
def get_height_of_tree(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of edges between the root node and the farthest leaf. Time complexity: O(n).

    :returns: the number of edges between the root node and the farthest leaf
    if self.is_empty():
        raise Empty("Tree is empty")
    return self.get_height_of_node(Tree._Position(self, self._root))

get_level_of_node(self, position)

Return the number of nodes between a node and the root, inclusive of itself. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose level is being sought



Type Description

the number of nodes between a node and the root, inclusive of itself

Source code in trees/
def get_level_of_node(self, position: _Position) -> int:
    """Return the number of nodes between a node and the root, inclusive of itself. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param position: position containing the node whose level is being sought
    :returns: the number of nodes between a node and the root, inclusive of itself
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    return 1 + self.get_depth_of_node(position)

get_parent(self, position)

Return the parent of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose parent is being sought



Type Description

the position of parent of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position passed contains the root node.

Source code in trees/
def get_parent(self, position: _Position) -> Union[_Position, None]:
    """Return the parent of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param position: position containing the node whose parent is being sought
    :returns: the position of parent of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position passed
    contains the root node.
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")

    if self.is_root(Tree._Position(self, node)):
        return None
        return Tree._Position(self, node.parent)


Return the root position. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

the root position

Source code in trees/
def get_root(self) -> Union[_Position, None]:
    """Return the root position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :returns: the root position
    if self.is_empty():
        return None
        return Tree._Position(self, self._root)

get_siblings(self, position)

Return the siblings of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose children are being sought



Type Description

the positions of the siblings of the node contained in the passed position

Source code in trees/
def get_siblings(self, position: _Position) -> Union[List[_Position], None]:
    """Return the siblings of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param position: position containing the node whose children are being sought
    :returns: the positions of the siblings of the node contained in the passed position
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    parent = node.parent

    if parent is None:
        return []

    return [Tree._Position(self, i) for i in parent.children if i is not node]

insert(self, key, value)

Insert a value into the tree


Name Type Description Default
key Any

unique identifier of the item to be added to the tree

value Any

item to be added to the tree

Source code in trees/
def insert(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None:
    """Insert a value into the tree

    :param key: unique identifier of the item to be added to the tree
    :param value: item to be added to the tree
    self._length += 1


Return True if tree is empty, else False. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

True if tree is empty, else False

Source code in trees/
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
    """Return True if tree is empty, else False. Time complexity: O(1).

    :returns: True if tree is empty, else False
    return self._root is None

is_leaf(self, position)

Check if the passed position contains a leaf. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

True if the passed position holds a leaf node, else False

Source code in trees/
def is_leaf(self, position: _Position) -> bool:
    """Check if the passed position contains a leaf. Time complexity: O(1).

    :returns: True if the passed position holds a leaf node, else False
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    return len(self.get_children(position)) == 0

is_root(self, position)

Check if the passed position contains the root node. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

True if the passed position holds the root node, else False

Source code in trees/
def is_root(self, position: _Position) -> bool:
    """Check if the passed position contains the root node. Time complexity: O(1).

    :returns: True if the passed position holds the root node, else False
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")

    return node.parent is None

traverse_subtree_level_order(self, position)

Level-by-level traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it contains


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed



Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_subtree_level_order(self, position: _Position) -> Generator:
    """Level-by-level traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it

    :param position: position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed
    :returns: a generator of the positions
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    def helper(root_node, level):
        if root_node is not None:
            if level == 1:
                yield Tree._Position(self, root_node)
            elif level > 1:
                for child in root_node.children:
                    for k in helper(child, level - 1):
                        yield k

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    number_of_levels = self.get_height_of_node(position) + 1

    for i in range(1, number_of_levels + 1):
        for j in helper(node, i):
            yield j

traverse_subtree_post_order(self, position)

Post-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it contains


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed



Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_subtree_post_order(self, position: _Position) -> Generator:
    """Post-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it

    :param position: position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed
    :returns: a generator of the positions
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    for i in self.get_children(position):
        for j in self.traverse_subtree_post_order(i):
            yield j
    yield position

traverse_subtree_pre_order(self, position)

Pre-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it contains


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed



Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_subtree_pre_order(self, position: _Position) -> Generator:
    """Pre-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it

    :param position: position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed
    :returns: a generator of the positions
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    yield position
    for i in self.get_children(position):
        for j in self.traverse_subtree_pre_order(i):
            yield j


Level-by-level traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains


Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_tree_level_order(self) -> Generator:
    """Level-by-level traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains

    :returns: a generator of the positions
    position = self.get_root()

    if position is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_level_order(position):
            yield i


Post-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains


Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_tree_post_order(self) -> Generator:
    """Post-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains

    :returns: a generator of the positions
    position = self.get_root()

    if position is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_post_order(position):
            yield i


Pre-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains


Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_tree_pre_order(self) -> Generator:
    """Pre-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains

    :returns: a generator of the positions
    position = self.get_root()

    if position is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_pre_order(position):
            yield i