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Binary Tree ADT

BinaryTree (Tree)

A binary tree is a tree whose nodes contain a maximum of two children, the left child and the right child. The order of the children of any node is such that the left child has precedence over the right child. Binary tree vocabularies include, but are not limited to:

  1. Proper/full binary tree - a binary tree whose nodes each have zero or two children
  2. Balanced binary tree - a binary tree whose left and right subtrees heights differ by a maximum of one, with each of the left and right subtrees being recursively balanced
  3. Complete binary tree - a binary tree whose levels are completely filled, except possibly for the last level whose nodes must be as far left as possible
  4. Perfect binary tree - a binary tree whose internal nodes each contain two children, and the leaves are contained within the same level

get_left_child(self, position)

Return the left child of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose left child is being sought



Type Description

the position of the left child of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has no left child.

Source code in trees/
def get_left_child(self, position: Tree._Position) -> Union[Tree._Position, None]:
    """Return the left child of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param position: position containing the node whose left child is being sought
    :returns: the position of the left child of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has
    no left child.
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    children = node.children

    if children is None:
        return None
        left_child = children[0]
        return Tree._Position(self, left_child) if left_child is not None else None

get_right_child(self, position)

Return the right child of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node whose right child is being sought



Type Description

the position of the right child of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has no right child.

Source code in trees/
def get_right_child(self, position: Tree._Position) -> Union[Tree._Position, None]:
    """Return the right child of the given position. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param position: position containing the node whose right child is being sought
    :returns: the position of the right child of the node contained in the passed position. None if the position has
    no right child.
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    node = position.manipulate_node(self, "_validate_node")
    children = node.children

    if children is None:
        return None
        right_child = children[1]
        return (
            Tree._Position(self, right_child) if right_child is not None else None

insert(self, key, value)

Insert a value into the tree


Name Type Description Default

unique identifier of the item to be added to the tree


item to be added to the tree

Source code in trees/
def insert(self, key, value):
    super().insert(key, value)

traverse_subtree_in_order(self, position)

In-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it contains


Name Type Description Default
position _Position

position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed



Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_subtree_in_order(self, position: Tree._Position) -> Generator:
    """In-order traverse subtree whose root is the passed position and return a generator of the positions it

    :param position: position containing the node that's the root of the subtree to be traversed
    :returns: a generator of the positions
    if not position.is_owned_by(self):
        raise ValueError("Position doesn't belong to this tree")

    left_child = self.get_left_child(position)
    right_child = self.get_right_child(position)

    if left_child is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_in_order(left_child):
            yield i

    yield position

    if right_child is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_in_order(right_child):
            yield i


In-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains


Type Description

a generator of the positions

Source code in trees/
def traverse_tree_in_order(self) -> Generator:
    """In-order traverse tree and return a generator of the positions it contains

    :returns: a generator of the positions
    position = self.get_root()

    if position is not None:
        for i in self.traverse_subtree_in_order(position):
            yield i