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Binary Expression Tree

BinaryExpressionTree (BinaryTree)

A binary expression tree is a binary tree used to parse mathematical expressions. Operators are contained within the internal nodes of the tree, whereas the operands occupy the leaves. By using such a parse tree, complex mathematical expressions with numerous operators and operands can be easily evaluated, as the expression is divided into smaller parts made up of only two operands and a single operator.

Instantiate a binary expression tree object

>>> tree = BinaryExpressionTree()

Evaluate expressions, when tree parsing is based on infix notation

>>> tree.evaluate("(2+2-23)", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Infix)
>>> tree.evaluate("((434+42-2)*(43+4-2))", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Infix)

Evaluate expressions, when tree parsing is based on prefix notation

>>> tree.evaluate("(2+2-23)", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Prefix)
>>> tree.evaluate("((434+42-2)*(43+4-2))", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Prefix)

Evaluate expressions, when tree parsing is based on postfix notation

>>> tree.evaluate("(2+2-23)", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Postfix)
>>> tree.evaluate("((434+42-2)*(43+4-2))", BinaryExpressionTree.Notation.Postfix)

Notation (Enum)

An enumeration.

evaluate(self, expression, notation=<Notation.Infix: 1>)

Return the solution to a mathematical expression


Name Type Description Default
expression str

the expression to be solved

notation Notation

the notation to use when building the parse tree

<Notation.Infix: 1>


Type Description

the solution to the passed expression

Source code in trees/
def evaluate(self, expression: str, notation: Notation = Notation.Infix) -> float:
    """Return the solution to a mathematical expression

    :param expression: the expression to be solved
    :param notation: the notation to use when building the parse tree
    :returns: the solution to the passed expression

    def evaluate_helper(node: BinaryTree._Node):
            if node.children == [None, None]:
                return float(node.key)
        except AttributeError:
            raise SyntaxError

        left_result = evaluate_helper(node.children[0])
        right_result = evaluate_helper(node.children[1])
        operator = node.key

        if operator == "+":
            return left_result + right_result
        elif operator == "-":
            return left_result - right_result
        elif operator == "*":
            return left_result * right_result
        elif operator == "/":
            return left_result / right_result
            raise ValueError(f"'{operator}' is not a valid operator")

    self.__parse(expression, notation)

    if self.is_empty():
        return 0.0
        return evaluate_helper(self._root)

insert(self, data, _=None)

Insert a value into the tree. Operators and operands inserted need to follow the infix notation when using this method.


Name Type Description Default
data str

item to be added to the tree


this parameter is not used, and is thus ignored

Source code in trees/
def insert(self, data: str, _=None) -> None:
    """Insert a value into the tree. Operators and operands inserted need to follow the infix notation when using
    this method.

    :param data: item to be added to the tree
    :param _: this parameter is not used, and is thus ignored