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Linked List ADT

LinkedList (ABC)

A linked list is a collection of nodes, with each node containing a reference to the node preceding it, or the node succeeding it, or both. Data structures that implement this abstract data type include:

  1. singly linked list
  2. circularly singly linked list
  3. doubly linked list
  4. circularly doubly linked list

For each of these data structures, the implementation details may defer between one implementation and another. One implementation may use sentinel nodes to denote the head and tail nodes, whereas another may use normal nodes with references to items within the list for the head and tail. The implementation details may also change depending on the context that these data structures will be used in, so as to best optimise them to the tasks within that specific context.

The implementation of the various linked list data structures defined within this project is meant to provide a uniform behaviour for all the data structures, such that one data structure may be replaced with another seamlessly.

__delitem__(self, idx) special

Delete item at a specific index. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
idx int

index of item to be deleted



Type Description

when the index passed is out of range

Source code in linked_lists/
def __delitem__(self, idx: int) -> Any:
    """Delete item at a specific index. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param idx: index of item to be deleted
    :raises IndexError: when the index passed is out of range
    if idx < 0 or idx >= self._length:
        raise IndexError("Index out of range")

    self._length -= 1
    previous_node = self._head
    current_node = previous_node.next_node

    for i in range(idx):
        previous_node = current_node
        current_node = current_node.next_node

    self._remove_between(previous_node, current_node.next_node)

__getitem__(self, idx) special

Get item at a specific index, or items in a slice range of the list. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
idx Union[int, slice]

index or slice range of items within the list



Type Description

item at a specific index, or items in a slice range


Type Description

when the index or slice passed is out of range


when the step of the slice passed is less than one

Source code in linked_lists/
def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> Any:
    """Get item at a specific index, or items in a slice range of the list. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param idx: index or slice range of items within the list
    :return: item at a specific index, or items in a slice range
    :raises IndexError: when the index or slice passed is out of range
    :raises ValueError: when the step of the slice passed is less than one
    if isinstance(idx, int):
        if idx < 0 or idx >= self._length:
            raise IndexError("Index out of range")

        current_node = self._head.next_node

        for i in range(idx):
            current_node = current_node.next_node


    elif isinstance(idx, slice):
        start = 0 if idx.start is None else idx.start
        stop = self._length if idx.stop is None else idx.stop
        step = 1 if idx.step is None else idx.step

        if step <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Step needs to be greater than zero")

        if start < 0 or start > self._length or stop < 0 or stop > self._length:
            raise IndexError("Index out of range")

        current_node = self._head.next_node
        a_list = copy.deepcopy(self)
        i = 0
        skipped = 0


        while i < stop:
            if i == start or (i >= start and skipped == step):
                skipped = 0

            current_node = current_node.next_node
            i += 1
            skipped += 1

        return a_list

        raise TypeError

__iter__(self) special

Get a linked list iterable. Time complexity: O(1). To iterate through all the items using the returned iterable, time complexity is O(n).


Type Description

linked list iterable

Source code in linked_lists/
def __iter__(self) -> Iterable:
    """Get a linked list iterable. Time complexity: O(1). To iterate through all the items using the returned
    iterable, time complexity is O(n).

    :return: linked list iterable
    return self

__len__(self) special

Get the total number of items in list. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

count of items in list

Source code in linked_lists/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Get the total number of items in list. Time complexity: O(1).

    :return: count of items in list
    return self._length

__next__(self) special

Get the next item of linked list iterator. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

next item


Type Description

when the cursor denoting the current item surpasses the last item of the list

Source code in linked_lists/
def __next__(self) -> Any:
    """Get the next item of linked list iterator. Time complexity: O(1).

    :return: next item
    :raises StopIteration: when the cursor denoting the current item surpasses the last item of the list
    self.__current_node = (
        self._head if self.__current_node is None else self.__current_node.next_node
    next_node = self.__current_node.next_node

    if isinstance(next_node, LinkedList._SentinelNode):
        self.__current_node = None
        raise StopIteration


__repr__(self) special

Get a string representation of the list. Time complexity: O(n).


Type Description

string representation of the list

Source code in linked_lists/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Get a string representation of the list. Time complexity: O(n).

    :return: string representation of the list
    if self._length == 0:
        return "[]"

    current_node = self._head.next_node
    s = "["

    while not isinstance(current_node, LinkedList._SentinelNode):
        s += f"{}, "
        current_node = current_node.next_node

    return f"{s[:-2]}]"

__setitem__(self, idx, data) special

Replace item at a specific index. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
idx int

index of item to be replaced

data Any

new item to replace existing item



Type Description

when the index passed is out of range

Source code in linked_lists/
def __setitem__(self, idx: int, data: Any) -> None:
    """Replace item at a specific index. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param idx: index of item to be replaced
    :param data: new item to replace existing item
    :raises IndexError: when the index passed is out of range
    if idx < 0 or idx >= self._length:
        raise IndexError("Index out of range")

    current_node = self._head.next_node

    for i in range(idx):
        current_node = current_node.next_node = data

append(self, data)

Alias of insert_last


Name Type Description Default
data Any

item to insert

Source code in linked_lists/
def append(self, data: Any) -> None:
    """Alias of insert_last

    :param data: item to insert


Return item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

first item in list


Type Description

when the list is empty

Source code in linked_lists/
def get_first(self) -> Any:
    """Return item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).

    :return: first item in list
    :raises Empty: when the list is empty
    if self._length == 0:
        raise Empty("List is empty")



Return item at the tail of the list


Type Description

last item in list

Source code in linked_lists/
def get_last(self) -> Any:
    """Return item at the tail of the list

    :return: last item in list

insert(self, idx, data)

Add item at a specific index of the list. Time complexity: O(n).


Name Type Description Default
idx int

index to insert item at

data Any

item to insert



Type Description

when the index passed is out of range

Source code in linked_lists/
def insert(self, idx: int, data: Any) -> None:
    """Add item at a specific index of the list. Time complexity: O(n).

    :param idx: index to insert item at
    :param data: item to insert
    :raises IndexError: when the index passed is out of range
    if idx < 0 or idx >= self._length:
        raise IndexError("Index out of range")

    self._length += 1
    previous_node = self._head
    current_node = previous_node.next_node

    for i in range(idx):
        previous_node = current_node
        current_node = current_node.next_node

    self._insert_between(LinkedList._Node(data), previous_node, current_node)

insert_first(self, data)

Add item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).


Name Type Description Default
data Any

item to insert

Source code in linked_lists/
def insert_first(self, data: Any) -> None:
    """Add item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).

    :param data: item to insert
    self._length += 1
    self._insert_between(LinkedList._Node(data), self._head, self._head.next_node)

insert_last(self, data)

Add item at the tail of the list


Name Type Description Default
data Any

item to insert

Source code in linked_lists/
def insert_last(self, data: Any) -> None:
    """Add item at the tail of the list

    :param data: item to insert


Delete all items from the list. Time complexity: O(1).

Source code in linked_lists/
def remove_all(self) -> None:
    """Delete all items from the list. Time complexity: O(1)."""


Delete item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).


Type Description

when the list is empty

Source code in linked_lists/
def remove_first(self) -> None:
    """Delete item at the head of the list. Time complexity: O(1).

    :raises Empty: when the list is empty
    if self._length == 0:
        raise Empty("List is empty")

    self._length -= 1
    current_node = self._head.next_node

    self._remove_between(self._head, current_node.next_node)


Delete item at the tail of the list

Source code in linked_lists/
def remove_last(self) -> None:
    """Delete item at the tail of the list"""