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Graph ADT

Graph (ABC)

A graph is a set of vertices and the edges that connect these vertices together in pairs. The graph abstract data type can be implemented based on various structures, but the most common are:

  1. adjacency matrix
  2. adjacency list

Graph vocabularies include, but are not limited to:

  1. Directed graph: a graph whose edges have an order, such that one of the vertices in each edge precedes the other. It's also called a digraph.
  2. Undirected graph: a graph whose edges have no order, such that each vertex has no precedence over any other vertex.
  3. Multi-graph: a graph that contains at least one pair of vertices joined by multiple edges.
  4. Complete graph: a graph whose vertices are each connected to every other vertex within the graph.
  5. Degree of a vertex: the number of edges connected to the vertex.
  6. Weight of an edge: the cost of traversing the edge.
  7. Path: a complete route from some vertex to some other vertex within the graph.
  8. Circuit: a path that begins and ends at the same vertex without traversing any edge more than once.

__contains__(self, key) special

Check if a graph contains a vertex with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key to check



Type Description

True if the key is contained in some vertex of the graph, else False

Source code in graphs/
def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool:
    """Check if a graph contains a vertex with the passed key

    :param key: the key to check
    :returns: True if the key is contained in some vertex of the graph, else False
    return key in self._keys

__repr__(self) special

Return a string representation of the graph


Type Description

the string representation of the graph

Source code in graphs/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a string representation of the graph

    :returns: the string representation of the graph

add_edge(self, key1, key2, weight=None)

Connect the vertices associated to the passed keys with a new edge


Name Type Description Default
key1 Any

the key associated to the first vertex in the pair

key2 Any

the key associated to the second vertex in the pair

weight float

the cost of traversing the newly formed edge

Source code in graphs/
def add_edge(self, key1: Any, key2: Any, weight: float = None) -> None:
    """Connect the vertices associated to the passed keys with a new edge

    :param key1: the key associated to the first vertex in the pair
    :param key2: the key associated to the second vertex in the pair
    :param weight: the cost of traversing the newly formed edge
    if key1 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key1} is absent from the graph")
    if key2 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key2} is absent from the graph")

add_vertex(self, key, value=None)

Add a new vertex to the graph


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key to associate to the new vertex

value Any

the value to be stored in the new vertex

Source code in graphs/
def add_vertex(self, key: Any, value: Any = None) -> None:
    """Add a new vertex to the graph

    :param key: the key to associate to the new vertex
    :param value: the value to be stored in the new vertex
    if key in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} already exists in the graph")

    self._vertices.append(Graph._Vertex(key, value))

breadth_first_traversal(self, key)

Return a generator that yields keys of vertices of the graph when traversed breadth first from some vertex


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key where the traversal begins from



Type Description

a generator of vertex keys

Source code in graphs/
def breadth_first_traversal(self, key: Any) -> Generator:
    """Return a generator that yields keys of vertices of the graph when traversed breadth first from some vertex

    :param key: the key where the traversal begins from
    :returns: a generator of vertex keys
    visited = {"__steps": 1, key: {"visit": 1}}
    helper_queue = [key]

    while len(helper_queue) > 0:
        current_key = helper_queue.pop(0)

        yield current_key, visited[current_key]["visit"]

        for k, _ in self._get_next_vertices(current_key):
            if k not in visited.keys():
                visited["__steps"] += 1
                visited[k] = {"visit": visited["__steps"]}

depth_first_traversal(self, key)

Return a generator that yields keys of vertices of the graph when traversed depth first from some vertex


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key where the traversal begins from



Type Description

a generator of vertex keys

Source code in graphs/
def depth_first_traversal(self, key: Any) -> Generator:
    """Return a generator that yields keys of vertices of the graph when traversed depth first from some vertex

    :param key: the key where the traversal begins from
    :returns: a generator of vertex keys
    visited = {"__steps": 0}

    def helper(vertex_key):
        visited["__steps"] += 1
        visited[vertex_key] = {"first_visit": visited["__steps"]}

        yield vertex_key, visited["__steps"]

        for k, _ in self._get_next_vertices(vertex_key):
            if k not in visited.keys():
                yield from helper(k)

        visited["__steps"] += 1
        visited[vertex_key] = {"last_visit": visited["__steps"]}

    yield from helper(key)

get_adjacent_vertices(self, key)

Return a list of keys of all the vertices connected to the vertex associated with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex all adjacent vertices' keys are being sought



Type Description

a list of vertex keys

Source code in graphs/
def get_adjacent_vertices(self, key: Any) -> list:
    """Return a list of keys of all the vertices connected to the vertex associated with the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex all adjacent vertices' keys are being sought
    :returns: a list of vertex keys
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

get_edge_weight(self, key1, key2)

Return the weight associated with the edge connecting the vertices associated with the vertices of the passed keys


Name Type Description Default
key1 Any

the key of the first vertex in the edge pair

key2 Any

the key of the second vertex in the edge pair



Type Description

weight of the edge

Source code in graphs/
def get_edge_weight(self, key1: Any, key2: Any) -> float:
    """Return the weight associated with the edge connecting the vertices associated with the vertices of the
    passed keys

    :param key1: the key of the first vertex in the edge pair
    :param key2: the key of the second vertex in the edge pair
    :returns: weight of the edge
    if key1 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key1} is absent from the graph")
    if key2 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key2} is absent from the graph")

    for i in self.get_adjacent_vertices(key1):
        if key2 == i[0]:
            return i[1]

    if not self.is_directed():
        for i in self.get_adjacent_vertices(key2):
            if key1 == i[0]:
                return i[1]

    raise ValueError(f"Edge ({key1}, {key2}) is absent from the graph")


Return a list of all the edges in the graph


Type Description

a list of all the edges

Source code in graphs/
def get_edges(self) -> list:
    """Return a list of all the edges in the graph

    :returns: a list of all the edges
    edges = []

    for i in self.get_vertices():
        for j in self.get_outgoing_adjacent_vertices(i):
            edges.append((i, j[0], j[1]))

    return edges

get_incoming_adjacent_vertices(self, key)

Return a list of keys of all the vertices incoming to the vertex associated with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex all incoming vertices' keys are being sought



Type Description

a list of vertex keys

Source code in graphs/
def get_incoming_adjacent_vertices(self, key: Any) -> list:
    """Return a list of keys of all the vertices incoming to the vertex associated with the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex all incoming vertices' keys are being sought
    :returns: a list of vertex keys
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

get_incoming_edges(self, key)

Return a list of incoming edges corresponding to the vertex associated with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex a list of incoming edges is being sought



Type Description

a list of edges

Source code in graphs/
def get_incoming_edges(self, key: Any) -> list:
    """Return a list of incoming edges corresponding to the vertex associated with the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex a list of incoming edges is being sought
    :returns: a list of edges
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

    return [(i[0], key, i[1]) for i in self.get_incoming_adjacent_vertices(key)]

get_outgoing_adjacent_vertices(self, key)

Return a list of keys of all the vertices outgoing from the vertex associated with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex all outgoing vertices' keys are being sought



Type Description

a list of vertex keys

Source code in graphs/
def get_outgoing_adjacent_vertices(self, key: Any) -> list:
    """Return a list of keys of all the vertices outgoing from the vertex associated with the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex all outgoing vertices' keys are being sought
    :returns: a list of vertex keys
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

get_outgoing_edges(self, key)

Return a list of outgoing edges corresponding to the vertex associated with the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex a list of outgoing edges is being sought



Type Description

a list of edges

Source code in graphs/
def get_outgoing_edges(self, key: Any) -> list:
    """Return a list of outgoing edges corresponding to the vertex associated with the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex a list of outgoing edges is being sought
    :returns: a list of edges
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

    return [(key, *i) for i in self.get_outgoing_adjacent_vertices(key)]

get_vertex_value(self, key)

Return the value stored in the vertex corresponding to the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose corresponding vertex's value is being sought



Type Description

the value associated to vertex of the passed key

Source code in graphs/
def get_vertex_value(self, key: Any) -> Any:
    """Return the value stored in the vertex corresponding to the passed key

    :param key: the key whose corresponding vertex's value is being sought
    :returns: the value associated to vertex of the passed key
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

    idx = self._keys.index(key)
    return self._vertices[idx].value


Return a list of the keys of all vertices contained within the graph


Type Description

a list of all the vertices' keys

Source code in graphs/
def get_vertices(self) -> list:
    """Return a list of the keys of all vertices contained within the graph

    :returns: a list of all the vertices' keys
    return self._keys


Check if the graph is directed


Type Description

True if the graph is directed, else False

Source code in graphs/
def is_directed(self) -> bool:
    """Check if the graph is directed

    :returns: True if the graph is directed, else False
    return self._directed

is_edge(self, key1, key2)

Check if a pair of vertices form an edge


Name Type Description Default
key1 Any

the key of the first vertex in the edge pair

key2 Any

the key of the second vertex in the edge pair



Type Description

True if the passed pair form an edge, else False

Source code in graphs/
def is_edge(self, key1: Any, key2: Any) -> bool:
    """Check if a pair of vertices form an edge

    :param key1: the key of the first vertex in the edge pair
    :param key2: the key of the second vertex in the edge pair
    :returns: True if the passed pair form an edge, else False
    if key1 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key1} is absent from the graph")
    if key2 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key2} is absent from the graph")

    for i in self.get_outgoing_adjacent_vertices(key1):
        if key2 == i[0]:
            return True

    return False

remove_edge(self, key1, key2)

Delete the edge connecting the vertices associated with the passed keys


Name Type Description Default
key1 Any

the key associated with the first vertex of the edge pair

key2 Any

the key associated with the second vertex of the edge pair

Source code in graphs/
def remove_edge(self, key1: Any, key2: Any) -> None:
    """Delete the edge connecting the vertices associated with the passed keys

    :param key1: the key associated with the first vertex of the edge pair
    :param key2: the key associated with the second vertex of the edge pair
    if key1 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key1} is absent from the graph")
    if key2 not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key2} is absent from the graph")

remove_vertex(self, key)

Delete the vertex associated to the passed key


Name Type Description Default
key Any

the key whose vertex id to be deleted

Source code in graphs/
def remove_vertex(self, key: Any) -> None:
    """Delete the vertex associated to the passed key

    :param key: the key whose vertex id to be deleted
    if key not in self:
        raise KeyError(f"{key} is absent from the graph")

    idx = self._keys.index(key)

    del self._keys[idx]
    del self._vertices[idx]