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Quick Sort


Quick sort repeatedly moves smaller elements left and larger elements right relative to a pivot that divides the list into two smaller lists. The process is recursively repeated for the two smaller lists till all elements are fully sorted. It has an average time complexity of Θ(nlogn). Time complexity for the worst case, when the pivot creates the most unbalanced divisions for all recursions, is O(n^2). Time complexity for the best case, when the median is always chosen as the pivot, is Ω(nlogn).

quick_sort([4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5]) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


Name Type Description Default
x List

list to be sorted



Type Description

new sorted list

Source code in sorting_algorithms/
def quick_sort(x: List) -> List:
    """Quick sort repeatedly moves smaller elements left and larger elements right relative to a pivot that divides
    the list into two smaller lists. The process is recursively repeated for the two smaller lists till all elements
    are fully sorted. It has an average time complexity of Θ(nlogn). Time complexity for the worst case, when the
    pivot creates the most unbalanced divisions for all recursions, is O(n^2). Time complexity for the best case, when
    the median is always chosen as the pivot, is Ω(nlogn).

    >>> quick_sort([4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5])
    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    :param x: list to be sorted
    :return: new sorted list
    a_list = copy.deepcopy(x)  # To avoid modifying the original list

    def sort_helper(y: List, start_idx: int, stop_idx: int) -> None:
        """Helper function to recursively sort the list

        :param y: list to be sorted
        :param start_idx: index at which sorting begins from
        :param stop_idx: index at which sorting stops
        if start_idx < stop_idx:
            # ensure pivot is as close to the mid-point as possible while taking care of integer overflow
            pivot_idx = start_idx + int((stop_idx - start_idx) / 2)
            pivot = y[pivot_idx]

            i = 0
            values_equal_to_pivot = 0
            while i <= stop_idx:
                if y[i] < pivot and i > pivot_idx:
                    y.insert(pivot_idx, y.pop(i))
                    pivot_idx += 1
                    i += 1
                elif y[i] > pivot and i < pivot_idx:
                    y.insert(pivot_idx, y.pop(i))
                    pivot_idx -= 1
                    i += 1

            sort_helper(y, start_idx, pivot_idx - 1)
            sort_helper(y, pivot_idx + values_equal_to_pivot + 1, stop_idx)

    sort_helper(a_list, 0, len(a_list) - 1)

    return a_list